
Hong Kong Diptychs In Lightroom I've been looking at maybe buying VSCO 6 and noticed that they have a 40% discount on all film packs at the moment. As I'm not sure how much I would use said film pack (as I tend to bake my own). So I started mucking around in Lightroom and made a new preset. It's a desaturated look, but with the reds and blues pushed back up. Add a bit of Contrast and Clarity, through in a vignette and bingo. I did add a bit of yellow to the shot with the trams, just to bring up the yellow grid on the road.

I'm pretty happy with the look of this preset, but working on these has made me miss Hong Kong. Maybe next year!

VSCO Keys :: Pimp My Keyboard

VSCOkeys A recently wrote a first look review of VSCO Keys that you can find HERE if you missed it. I hadn't used VSCO Keys for long at that point, but I knew it was going to be a real time saver. But after using it for a couple of weeks, I started to notice that my original VSCO keys layout was close, but not quite where it needed to be. I was finding it wasn't as intuitive as I would have liked and as I was using it in banks across the keyboard (W up, E down. R up, T down...), I noticed that it was too easy to lose where my fingers were supposed to be as I got to the centre of the keyboard.

So I decided to pimp my Apple keyboard for a little visual help. I bought a sheet of Black (Non Transparent) Keyboard Stickers from Amazon and after adjusting the positions of my shortcut keys using the layout section of the VSCO website to a more intuitive system, I placed the stickers where I thought they would give me the best indication of where things were. The stickers are black with white lettering, which is the opposite from my white Apple keyboard. It was so successfulI that I now have a set of white stickers for my black Macbook Air keyboard.



As you can see from the photo, the first group of keys (from left to right) are black with the top two being Exposure - & + (Q & W) and then Shadows (A & S) and Blacks (Z & X) below. The next group are Contrast at the top (E & R) with Highlights (D & F) and Whites (C & V) below. So the dark stuff is (mostly) on black keys and the lights are (mostly) on white keys. Blacks and Whites also sit side by side. It's simple things like this that make me remember things easier, but whatever works for you. The next row of (black) keys are Temperature, Tint and Vibrance (from top to bottom). After that it's a mixture, but again the stickers are all placed to make it easier to remember individual keys, which can be as simple as placing a black sticker in the middle of three keys doing non related functions.


Screen Shot 2014-06-10 at 14.57.55

As you probably know, adding the Control, Alt, Shift, Command or Fn keys gives a completely different function to each key. I try to keep similar things mapped to keys, like Saturation is under Vibrance, sharpening is under Clarity...etc. Number keys 1-0 are left for star and colour ratings, but also apply presets when the Cmd Key is added.

So VSCO keys has dramatically speeded up my workflow and it's still on the increase. I still like to use the Logitech G13 for culling, but I find the two systems work well together. There is one thing I'd like in VSCO Keys that I cant find in the Layout software. In Survey Mode you add photos to the selection by pressing Shift and using the arrow keys. I'd love to have the < & > keys set to this function, but without the need for the Shift Key. Maybe it's in there, but I can't seem to find it. You can download a free 30 day trial of VSCO Keys HERE, so there is nothing to loose and everything to gain. You can buy keyboard stickers from Amazon, but make sure to get the Non Transparent ones or you will see double letters on each key.

VSCO Keys :: Speed Up Your Workflow

VSCOKeys_LogoThere's been a buzz surrounding VSCO presets for Adobe Lightroom and Apple's Aperture for some time now. I can't say I've had much experience with them, but lots of photographers swear by them. Even my buddy Patrick La Roque is a self confessed VSCO addict. But I had a look on the VSCO website recently to see what the new Film Pack 5 included and came away with something I hadn't bargained for.

VSCO Keys is a workflow dream and I thought you guys would be interested in something that can drastically reduce the amount of time we spend editing in Lightroom. VSCO film presets get lots of exposure on the web, but VSCO Keys, maybe not so much. So here is a quick look at what VSCO Keys can do for you.

VSCO is basically a plugin that maps your Mac or PC keyboard to the sliders in Lightroom. Once installed, all you have to do to activate VSCO Keys is hit the Esc key on your keyboard and you're good to go. The VSCO Keys icon in your Menu Bar with be grey when inactive and colour when active. There are two templates available from VSCO the 'Simple' one that changes very little on your keyboard and the 'Standard' all singing all dancing template that changes most of the shortcut keys on your keyboard. The best bit is that you can make your own template on VSCO's website and not only download it to your computer, but they also supply a PDF diagram of all your shortcut keys (like the one below). Probably the easiest way (and the way I did it) was to take one of VSCO's templates, duplicated and save it with your own custom name. Then you can tweek and change the things you dont like and keep the things you do.

It doesn't take too long to get the hang of where everything is and the difference it makes to editing time is pretty significant. Remember that you don't just have one set of keys on your keyboard, when you press Shift, Control, Alt/Option or Command, you have a different set each time.


One of the best features is the ability to assign any preset to a key on your keyboard. VSCO preset shortcuts are included in the program (not the VSCO presets though, you have to buy them), but you can easily assign your own custom presets or any 3rd party ones you download. If, like me, you're on a Mac, it makes life easier to have your F keys (F1 - F12) set to work without having to press the Fn key first.
VSCO Keys is available from You can download a restriction free 14 day trial and if you like it (and why wouldn't you) there's a one off cost of $59.25 (regular price is $79). This is one of those workflow time savers that are worth their weight in gold (I know downloaded programs weigh nothing, but you know what I mean). I'm running the free trial at the moment, but I'll definitely be handing over my credit card this week. There's no going back! [embed title="Quickstart Guide Walkthrough"][/embed]