
View From My Keys :: 9th March 2013 was good to leave the studio rehearsals behind and get back on the road to play to an audience again. the power of Grey Scull or by the power of electricity? Horsing around with a laser before the gig (left) and a fan gets close enough to feel the magic (right). say he traveled here from the planet Krypton in a mystical craft. Others say he came from Turin in an Alfa Romeo.

View From My Keys :: 29th April 2012

This installment of View From My Keys is based around guitar machine heads. For those that don't know one end of a guitar from another, machine heads are those 6 (in this case) knobs that are used to turn gears, that in turn twist the posts that hold the strings. As the strings are tightened the pitch rises.

From a photography view, these were all shot with the X-Pro1 at 1/60th of a sec at f1.4 and 1600 ISO. I edited the three photos in Lightroom 4 using a split tone preset that I made recently for my wedding photography.

These shots were taken at AM Rehearsasl which is one of the best equipped and spacious studios in Scotland.

View From My Keys :: 18th Feb 2012

When I started playing sax I thought it would be great to just show-up, open my case and play. Fast forward a lot of years and I'm surrounded by a full music shop. Tenor sax, Guitar, 3 synths and 2 FX units. The laptop controls projections on a 7' circular screen.

One hour before showtime and the souncheck begins.

It's easy to see why he was such a successful male model. You might remember him from the Calvin Klein adds?

The gig begins. This is what we see from the stage a lot of the time, the audience is out there, but we see darkness.